Studio Sifaka is a radio programme for and by young people, created in 2019 by the United Nations in Madagascar, in partnership with Fondation Hirondelle. Its implementation was made possible by funding from the United Nations Peacebuilding Fund under the Gender and Youth Promotion Initiative (GYPI). As of summer 2021, Studio Sifaka is an independent NGO under Malagasy law. Fondation Hirondelle remains a partner in many ways, contractually and also in human terms through a relationship of trust and mutual support that has been built over the past two years.
Studio Sifaka aims to improve young women’s and men’s access to reliable, quality information while making their voices heard, thus contributing to peace building in Madagascar. Since its inception, Studio Sifaka has produced “Feon’ny tanora maroloko,” a two-hour daily radio programme in Malagasy and French for the youth of Madagascar. Content includes a national and regional news bulletin as well as programmes dedicated to advice (health, employment, etc.), dialogue, music and Malagasy culture. It also produces articles and videos for the Web.
Financial Volume
478 417 CHF
Sources of Funding
• Switzerland (SDC mandate)
• Switzerland (SDC Programme contribution)
• FEDEVACO (Fédération vaudoise de coopération)
• Fondation Temperatio
• Private donations
The NGO Studio Sifaka became independent in mid-2021. This transition marked a real change for the teams at the managerial, editorial and administrative levels. The new team was able to learn from almost two years of existence as a project, and become a solid and functional NGO.
Despite this major change, Studio Sifaka has never stopped producing two hours of daily programmes, as well as articles and videos relayed on the Internet. This content includes information on development, human rights and peacebuilding.
Its productions are broadcast via a network of radio partners, on social networks and the website. They are also accessible via a free number, provided by the social enterprise VIAMO, specialized in the broadcasting of general interest content by cell phone. By the end of 2021, we had 28 partner radios, spread throughout the territory of Madagascar. Studio Sifaka has become a platform for young people and vulnerable populations who need a space to express themselves but are often excluded from the media landscape. Thus, Studio Sifaka has given priority to producing information on youth initiatives, so as to promote young people’s empowerment and participation in development, health, environment and pluralism, as well as debates focused on their concerns.
I realized that some of my friends didn’t listen to the radio before, but now they are always there, at the same time, to listen to the programmes of Studio Sifaka. It’s a kind of meeting place for us, and we get together to listen and comment on what they say on the radio. Sometimes the discussions go on afterwards. There is so much content and new things that we learn every day that open our eyes.
A young listener, in Vohipeno, Vatovavy Region, during a focus group
Studio Sifaka’s productions are now a reference for several local news media: TV Plus Madagascar, MBS, the 24h Mada Facebook page, as well as various public discussion groups on social networks.
In future, the goal is for the NGO Studio Sifaka to become a benchmark media in Madagascar, and for it to become an autonomous and perennial organization. To this end, Fondation Hirondelle will support the studio in building its capacities and establishing a stable institutional and editorial structure.