Since March 2019, Studio Yafa has been producing and broadcasting two-and a-half minute radio features in Dioula, French, Fulfulde, Gulmencema and Mooré, as well as specific content for the web and social networks. It also produces a major weekly debate programme in French called “Ya’Débat,” which allows young people to express their opinions and debate issues that concern them with older generations and decision-makers.
Since 2021, a weekly two-hour programme with broad appeal has been added. Studio Yafa has a team of 20 Burkinabe journalists, translators and technicians based in Ougadougou, and a network of 15 correspondents in the regions. Its programmes are broadcast by 35 radio stations across the country, as well as by a telephone platform accessible free of charge, and via the Internet and social networks.
Financial volume
1 199 458 CHF
Sources of funding
• Sweden (ASDI)
• Switzerland (SDC Project Contribution)
• Switzerland (SDC Programme Contribution)
• Czech republic
• Service contracts
Strenghtening ties with displaced listeners
Burkina Faso’s humanitarian situation has deteriorated sharply, with the number of internally displaced persons (IDPs) rising from 1,074,993 in 2020 to 1,741,655 in 2021, i.e. 700,000 more. The security situation has also worsened, with massacres such as the one in Solhan causing the death of at least 160 people in June 2021. In total, more than 350 civilians lost their lives in armed attacks in Burkina Faso during the year.
In response to this deteriorating humanitarian situation, Studio Yafa on October 1 launched “Faso Yafa”, the first humanitarian radio programme for internally displaced people. This 30-minute weekly programme is broadcast on 36 partner radio stations and from some 50 sound systems installed in IDP camps.
In 2021, Studio Yafa almost doubled its programming with the arrival of “Grand Rendez-Vous” on March 3. This two-hour weekly slot, composed of reports, live music and debates, has increased interaction with listeners
When you arrive in a place, you are disoriented. On the radio, very important informations is given. It is thanks to Studio Yafa that I learned there was a camp in such and such a place and that I could go there. Otherwise I would have just wandered around the town.
Abdoul Ouedraogo (nom d’emprunt), déplacé burkinabè
In 2021, Studio Yafa produced and broadcast 88 hours of radio programmes. 250 articles were published on Facebook, 55 video reports were produced and broadcast on the web and social networks. Since 2021, these video reports have been broadcast on the first private television channel in Burkina Faso. Some of its reports have exceeded one million views on Facebook, with a record of 2 million views and 4.5 million people reached for a report about a woman working in a funeral home.
In 2022 Studio Yafa starts a new 4-year program supported by the Swedish, Swiss and European Union cooperations. This program aims to strengthen governance and democracy in Burkina Faso, with a particular focus on women, youth and vulnerable populations