Studio Tamani provides radio programming that has been accompanying the daily lives of Malians since 2013 by giving them a voice and access to reliable information in 5 languages (French, Bambara, Peulh, Tamasheq, Songhai). It was born out of a partnership between Fondation Hirondelle and the Union of Free Radios and Televisions of Mali (URTEL). Studio Tamani broadcasts 4.5 hours of programmes daily, from Monday to Friday: news bulletins, features, the debate program “Le Grand Dialogue” and an educational programme. On weekends, 2 hours of programmes are devoted to youth and their concerns.
Daily broadcasting covers 95% of Malian territory and is regularly followed by 28% of Malians. This coverage is made possible by a network of 85 radio partners and 3 private television stations. Collaboration with the Viamo company has extended the audience to an additional 1,188,050 people, through listening on a telephone platform throughout the country.
In 2021, innovation in the use of ICTs resulted in the “live” audiovisual broadcast of the “Le Grand Dialogue” on the website studiotamani.org, Facebook and Youtube. In this context, 5 journalists of the studio have been trained in management and animation of web communities.
Financial volume
1 836 763 CHF
Sources of funding
• Sweden (ASDI)
• Denmark (FAMOC)
• Switzerland (SDC Programme contribution)
• Czech republic
• Swiss Solidarity
• Private donations
• Service contracts
• Fondation Helvétique de Bienfaisance
• Fondation Alfred & Eugénie Baur
The right to information, inclusivity and development
During the year 2021, in a tense political and socio-economic context, Studio Tamani covered with professionalism and impartiality the successive regime changes and recurrent insecurity, as well as the economic and social consequences of the ECOWAS (Economic Community of West African States) sanctions against Mali. Despite the reduction of democratic space and the obstacles to press freedom, Studio Tamani has continued its public service mission, bringing independent, impartial and credible information to its listeners.
In December, Studio Tamani provided live coverage of the Assises Nationales de la Refondation. Its reports, features and debates on all the subjects debated and the deliberations allowed listeners to form an informed opinion.
In partnership with various cooperation and humanitarian aid actors in Mali, Studio Tamani covered throughout the year the situation of vulnerable people affected by conflict: children, youth, women and internally displaced persons. We have thus contributed to ensuring that their fundamental rights are promoted, understood in loca languages and made effective: access to civil status, freedom to be informed, fundamental right to education, right to reparations for victims. Despite a tense religious and social context, Studio Tamani has endeavored to give women a voice in each of its productions.
What caught my attention with Studio Tamani was the way they handle the news. They do it in a professional way and it is understandable for us listeners. To thank the staff, I recorded a song for them: “I thank Studio Tamani. With your information on our education, agriculture and health, your advent has been a great relief for us. Our favourite media, your coming here is a very good thing for us”
Kie Sanou, born visually impaired in Yororsso, in the Sikasso region. He is a faithful listener to all the Studio Tamani programmes broadcast on partner radios and testifies here to their usefulness
In 2021, in order to reflect the diversity of opinion and the daily life of the population in Bamako as well as in the regions, 35% of the information was collected and processed by our correspondents throughout the country. 20% of the speakers in all Studio Tamani broadcasts were women. In order to support citizen participation and monitoring, 62% of the speakers were from civil society and 12% were independent expert researchers. Finally, in order to ensure a balance of information and accountability to the population, 20% of the people speaking on our programmes were Malian government officials.
To ensure the spread of national and international news of public interest while guaranteeing its accessibility to all listeners in Mali, the contents of Studio Tamani have covered the following areas of the “Nexus” Humanitarian/Development/Peacebuilding:
Peace and human security: debates and information on the evolution of the political, security and human rights situation in Mali;
Development and social protection: access to education, health, access to justice and reparations, governance and aid effectiveness;
Humanitarian assistance and protection of civilians: situation of displaced persons, migrants, and other victims affected by armed conflict, emergency education through radio;
Economic development and public-private partnerships: promotion of women’s entrepreneurship, feminization of certain professions, access to employment for young people;
Environment and climate change: local and individual initiatives for the preservation of nature, rural populations affected by the decrease in rainfall, commitment of civil society in this area.