JusticeInfo.net is an independent, bilingual, free website created by Fondation Hirondelle in 2015. JusticeInfo.net covers justice news related to mass violence. Courts, truth commissions, reparation programmes, reconciliation processes and remembrance are at the heart of the transitional justice around the world covered by JusticeInfo. net whenever a judicial or paralegal procedure with a collective dimension is initiated or envisaged. JusticeInfo.net is also at the forefront of contemporary debates on mass violence, including environmental crimes, corporate responsibility, violence against migrants, the fate of indigenous peoples, and colonial crimes. Thanks to a solid network of correspondents and contributions from experts, JusticeInfo.net has become the benchmark media in its field.
Financial Volume
411 094 CHF
Sources of Funding
• Switzerland (SDC Programme contribution)
• Fondation Nicolas Puech
• Private donations
With 387 articles published in French and English, as well as a new version in Spanish dedicated to the peace process in Colombia, JusticeInfo. net continues to establish its position as a benchmark media on transitional justice. This ongoing challenge is taken up with rigour and dedication by a small central editorial team and about 30 correspondents. Since its creation in 2015, our website has met with growing success: some 1.4 million readers have consulted more than 2 million pages, and there is a constant increase in our audience, with 900 daily visitors at present.
Our credo is to allow our readers to delve deeply into the understanding of current issues. This is why the year 2021 was marked by the publication of several special reports: on sexual crimes in the Church (with the first interactive map of judicial initiatives across the world); on the question of colonial crimes and requests for reparation, which is gaining momentum (particularly in the United States); and on how the Finnish national justice system has shaken the traditional exercise of universal jurisdiction.
In my editorial for JusticeInfo.net, I quoted Consuelo, who was kidnapped by the FARC. Her testimony is heart breaking but powerful. It is incredible to see how victims, despite their suffering, are still willing to work to achieve peace. By chance, she read the editorial and sent me a message to say that she felt understood, heard. She was very happy to discover that there is a space to open a conversation, which is what Justice Info does.
Mary Diaz Marquez, National Justice Programme Officer, Justice Rapid Response (Geneva), May 2021
The current context of transitional justice particularly reflects the state of the world. Its international forms, dynamic until the 2000s, appear to have run out of steam. However, its actors are redoubling their creativity, with stronger local and national anchoring. There is also a shift to using transitional justice within rich and democratic countries, whereas until now it tended to be confined to the “Global South”. It is at this intersection that the Justice Info project continues to position itself, as a bridge between different experiences and points of view.
In early 2022, JusticeInfo.net has mobilized to cover international justice efforts on the war in Ukraine, which are unprecedented in their speed and magnitude. More than ever, our work of explanation and analysis finds all its purpose in this major crisis, in which justice will play a key role.