Annual report 2021

Administration and Finance

General Financial Situation

Fondation Hirondelle saw its volume increase by 7% compared with 2020, with an overall realized volume of CHF14.5 million. As in 2020, Fondation Hirondelle posted a positive result, of approximately CHF491,000. The increase in volume is due largely to a higher volume of activities in the CAR and Niger.

90% of the Fondation’s expenses are devoted to our field projects and special operations (media education masterclasses, research projects etc.).

Management expenses (Finance, HR, IT etc.) represent 8% of expenses, while communication and fundraising represent 2%. It should be noted that Fondation Hirondelle obtained a Zewo certification in 2019; all the 2021 accounts and indicators below therefore follow the presentation requested by Zewo.

An independent auditor has certified that the financial statements summarized below give a true and fair view of Fondation Hirondelle’s financial position. The complete report on the 2021 annual accounts is available on our website

Human Resources

At the end of 2021, Fondation Hirondelle employed 246 professionals worldwide (283 in 2020). The number of national staff working for the Fondation decreased to 208 (245 in 2020), and the number of expatriates on long-term or fixed-term contracts was 10 at the end of 2021 (13 expatriates in 2020). In addition to these employees there are 199 interns and correspondents (227 in 2020), supported by 23 expert missions to the field (9 missions in 2020). The size of the headquarters office has remained relatively stable. As of December 31, it had 10 staff occupying the equivalent of 8.3 full-time positions for direct project monitoring, and 18 staff members (FTE 15) engaged in management, transversal support and support functions. Fondation Hirondelle is also training an apprentice and was able to benefit throughout 2021 from the help of civilists/interns (FTE 0.5).

Project Expenditure

2021 projectsin CHF
COVID- 19 3 089 816
CAR 2 719 426
Niger 1 901 108
Mali 1 836 763
Headquarters1 464 083
Burkina Faso 1 199 458
DRC 604 836
Madagascar 478 417
Transitional Justice 411 094
Myanmar 284 876
Bangladesh 216 411
Burundi 107 310
New projects 74 228
Research 64 083
Tunisia 50 329
Media education 4 245
TOTAL 14 506 483

Financial Resources

Sources of revenuein CHF in %
Public funding
Mandates/Projects Contributions (SDC)1 832 03812,1%
Programme Contribution SDC (IP) 2 996 896 19,7%
FEDEVACO 68 709 0,5%
United Nations agencies (UNICEF, UNPD, ...) 688 752 4,0%
Denmark (FAMOC) 139 621 0,9%
Netherlands 47 250 0,3%
United Kingdom (FCDO, UKCSS) 243 364 1,6%
Sweden 1 581 830 10,4%
Czech republic 168 587 1,1%
Germany (GIZ) 6 572 0,0%
European Union 4 549 345 29,9%
12 322 964 81,1%
Private funding
Chaîne du Bonheur 408 351 2,7%
Loterie Romande 51 100 0,3%
RTS Partnership 75 000 0,5%
Private Foundations 253 882 1,7%
Private Donors 168 460 1,1%
Other donors 1 086 445 7,2%
2 043 238 13,4%
Other products
Products from services provided 828 310 5,5%
828 310 5,5%
TOTAL INCOME15 194 512

Foundations & Corporate Donors

We wish to thank the following for their support in 2021: Fondation E. Balzan, Fondation Alfred & Eugénie Baur, Fondation Helvétique de Bienfaisance, Fondation Pierre et Claude Chessex, Genassurances SA, Loterie Romande, Fondation Karl Popper, Migros Vaud, Fondation Nicolas Puech, Stiftung Temperatio.

Summary of Fondation Hirondelle Accounts

The overall presentation of Fondation Hirondelle accounts meets the requirements of the Swiss norms GAAP RPC and GAAP RPC 21. This presentation gives a true and fair view of the financial situation and in-come of the organization. The accounts comply with Swiss law and the Fondation’s statutes. The summary of accounts is based on the annual accounts as of December 31, 2021, which have been prepared in accordance with the above-mentioned principles.

Balance Sheet as of December 31 (in Swiss Francs)

Current assets
Liquid assets 3 884 079 5 306 906
Credits 169 417 109 180
Funding to be received 1 245 358 1 148 105
Other receivables 217 672 627 585
Accruals and deferred income 226 265 84 295
 5 742 791 7 276 071
Intangible assets  
Financial assets 354 250 91 705
Fixed assets 25 534 51 025
TOTAL ASSETS6 122 5757 418 801
Short-term liabilities
Short-term debts 631 163 760 302
Funding received in advance 2 377 137 4 123 752
Accrual and deferred income 207 043 208 501
Various loans 387374
 3 215 730 5 092 929
Long-term liabilities  
Provision for legal contingencies 132 308 69 447
Provision for termination of staff contracts 56 589 52 518
 188 897 121 965
Allocated funds  
Initiative Fund 216 468 216 468
Solidarity Fund 39 218 14 155
Project Social Fund-18 162
Support Fund568 957 552 387
 824 643 801 172
Equity capital  
Foundation capital 50 000 50 000
Capital FNL 12 315 12 315
Operating capital 1 340 420 823 625
Final result 490 570 516 795
 1 893 305 1 402 735
TOTAL LIABILITIES6 122 575 7 418 801

Operating Account of Fondation Hirondelle (in Swiss Francs)

Public funding 12 322 964 12 089 166
Private funding 2 043 238 1 420 153
Other income 828 310 743 837
TOTAL INCOME15 194 512 14 253 156
Income allocated by the Fondation 1 071 770 900 210
Tied funds --
Allocated funds 14 122 742 13 352 947
2021 2020
Direct project expenditure
Staff6 905 149 6 940 431
Operations 5 672 498 4 804 555
Equipment 464 752 446 061
 13 042 399 12 191 047
Administrative expenditure  
Staff638 466 732 241
Operations 478 480 329 482
Equipment 31 472 37 391
 1 148 418 1 099 114
Fundraising and communication expenditure  
Staff246 538 201 192
Operations 68 989 116 678
Equipment 139-
 315 666 317 870
TOTAL EXPENDITURE14 506 483 13 608 030
Operating result 688 029 645 125
Financial results  
Financial income121456
Loss on foreign exchange -184 212-127 475
 -184 091-127 019
Exceptionnal result  
Exceptionnal Expenditures and Incomes-13 368-1 311
 -13 368-1 311
Annual result before allocations490 570516 795
Allocations / deductions  
Allocations to equity capital-490 570-516 795
Surplus/(deficit) for the year --

Table of capital variation (in swiss francs)

Description of fundingPosition of funds 01.01.2021Internally generated incomeAttributions to fundsInternal transfersUse for projectsPosition of funds 31.12.21Funding received in advanceFunding to be received
Allocated funds (Funding to be received /received in advance)
Funds Bangladesh110 287  131 628  -241 915---
Funds Burkina Faso -146 485  1 544 164  -1 287 045 110 634 145 144 -34 510
Funds Burundi - 273 017  -113 835 159 182 159 182-
Funds Covid 1 884 088  633 157  -3 273 977 -756 732 67 367 -824 099
Funds Media Education - 9 535 -4 2455 2905 290-
Funds Environment & Research- 64 083 -64 083---
Funds Transitional Justice150 000 281 160 -431 160---
Funds Madagascar-138 814 833 327 -503 990190 523218 300-27 777
Funds Mali237 854 2 374 063 -1 985 035626 882639 426-12 544
Funds Myanmar25 227 349 020 -291 20783 04083 040-
Funds Niger11 633 1 649 247 -1 712 105-51 22511 919-63 144
Funds New projects/Miscellaneous projects 8 540 74 620 -83 160---
Funds Central African Republic697 891 2 593 782 -2 890 121401 552680 734-279 182
Funds Democratic Republic of Congo60 413 570 790 -544 14487 05987 059-
Funds Tunisia-6 088 45 400 -43 414-4 102 --4 102
Funds Headquarters81 100 1 020 359 -821 783279 676279 676-
Total allocated funds2 975 646 12 447 352--14 291 2191 131 7792 377 137-1 245 358
Tied funds 
Initiative Fund a)216 468 - -216 468 
Solidarity Fund b)14 1556 901-18 162 -39 218 
Project Social Fund c)18 162 --18 162-- 
Support Fund d)552 387 16 570 -568 957 
Total tied funds801 172 16 570 -824 643 
Foundation capital 
Initial capital50 000  - -50 000 
Capital FNL12 315 - -12 315 
Sales and services/non-tied subsidies- 903 310 -903 310- 
Operating capital1 340 420 490 570 -1 830 990 
Operating result- - -- 
Total Foundation capital1 402 735 1 393 880 -903 3101 893 305 
TOTAL5 179 553 13 857 802 -15 194 5283 849 727